Prototyping and simultaneous engineering

We are extremely familiar with all aspects of the production process, our clients, and the uses required of the parts we manufacture. We work together with our clients to design the best possible solution to their needs, making it possible to drastically reduce costs.

By working collaboratively we have been able to diminish raw material requirements, simplify dies, and eliminate finishing operations. We have also been able to manufacture pieces with fine blanking that are traditionally made by other processes, thus cutting final costs by more than half.

We work in an integrated manner, meeting the requirements present in all aspects of the production process. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Design for Manufacturability/Assembly (DFM/A) are familiar tools for us, useful for guiding production strategies and expanding our knowledge base.

Our engineers design and create prototypes, working efficiently under tight deadlines whenever necessary to prevent the risks inherent in mass production processes.